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1971年国立大学法人 九州工業大学 工学部 機械工学科を卒業しエンジニアーとして機械設計を行い、その後転職して県立高等学校に勤務、退職後、大学の広報活動に従事しました。在職時に不登校生徒の指導から学んだことも私のコーチングの血となり肉となっています。2011年ICFの2011 ICF International Annual Conference in Las Vegas に一人で参加してきました。世界の43カ国から約1000人のコーチが発する熱いエネルギーを全身で吸収して帰国。私のコーチングのエネルギー源になっています。ICF主催の国際会議のラスベガス(2011)が最初で、その自由な、エネルギッシュな国際色豊かな魅力に取りつかれ、その後ロンドン(2012),シドニー(2013),USAクリーブランド(2104),マニラ(2015)、ワシントン DC(2017)にも一人で参加してきました。

2011年5月ICF会員、2012年3月 ACC取得


How I became a life coach

I retired from my job in 2009. Three years before my retirement, I became interested in Co-Active Coaching which is not only a mere skill of communication but also, it addresses one’s whole life. I got a certificate of Certified Professional Co-active Coach
(CPCC) in January of 2011. I was so surprised to get the certificate because I had never expected to have such when I started to learn coaching. I found my motto in a Sapporo Hotel on my business trip which says “I would like to live brightly because I could only live once”. I decided to be a life coach for my new career in life, in which, I could still participate in social activities.
 In 1971, after graduating from the mechanical engineering department of Kyushu Institute of Technology, I worked as a mechanical engineer, then as a senior high school teacher after that.
 After retirement, I worked for my Alma Mater as Public Relation(PR) team member. As a teacher, I gained a lot of experience in educating truants based on my coaching. Unexpectedly, I managed to attend the  2011 ICF (International Annual Conference) in Las Vegas where I absorbed the positive energy from about 1000 coaches from  many different countries around the world. This is my energy source in coaching as well. I have been an ICF member since 2011 and I am an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) .


2006年、コニュニケーション技術の一つの手法として学び始めたのがコーチングとの出会いでした。コーチングとは何かを体験しようと思い、以前より英語を学んでいましたので、「よし、同じやるなら英語でコーチングを受けてみようと考え、CPCCのコーチからずっとコーチングを受けています。CO-ACTIVE COACHING を知ったのもCPCCのコーチとの偶然な出会いがきっかけでした。コーチングを学ぶ中で、CO-ACTIVE COACHINGは非常に奥深い考え方であること、ただ単なるコミュニケーション技術の一つではないことにを確信し、本来のコーチングが好きになってきました。  3

How I started as a life coach

It was 2006 when I encountered coaching. From then, I tried to learn about coaching as a skill for communication. When I started learning coaching, I decided to be coached in English for I had been interested in English. I found a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach(CPCC) who incidentally recommended me for co-active coaching.  While being coached and after learning coaching, I was convinced that co-active coaching is one of the essential perspectives of life and that it has a very deep philosophy. Hence, it is never just a mere communication skill at all. Since then, I started to like co-active coaching.


CO-ACTIVE COACHINGの考え方は一つの人生観だと私は考えています。クライアントが個人の潜在能力をコーチングを受け発見することで予期しないすばらしい人生が待っていると確信しているからです。

Reason for doing coaching

The reason why I do coaching is because I have a strong desire that everyone should have their own coaches so that they could lead their life being bright, happy and  fulfilled, etc. My belief is that co-active coaching is one of the perspectives of life. I am very convinced that coaching would help clients to discover their hidden talents and it could lead them to having  much more wonderful lives.



What I would like to achieve through coaching

 I hope I could help to establish a society where everybody is smiling merrily, happy, lively and fulfilled.
A society where everyone respects each other and recognizes their differences in character to go forward on their life goals with high motivation and confidence.
 As far as I know, there has not been any idea of coaching at schools. If only teachers could know about coaching, they could also educate students to carry out their school lives actively and eagerly. Because of this, students could know themselves deeper and it could help them decide their future course. Through this, I could also introduce coaching into schools in Japan.



How coaching impressed me

Every time I was surprised to find myself that I had not known something I had and how I had been thinking and feeling in this way.
As a client through my experience, I found myself renewed at every session, proving that I have all the answers in me. This is what I have been experiencing for years. Every session, I am surprised to find something in myself that I thought I never had but actually, it is just inside me. It made me realize the way I had been thinking and feeling. This kind of new discoveries could make me see things in a new different point of view. Step by step, I find my new goals.

washington DCまで「6回」も参加したこと や


CO-ACTIVE COACHINGモデルが提唱していること(その一つがクライアントとコーチは平等)を中心に据えることは、勿論ですが、それらの視点にさらに追加して「思いやり」「尊敬」「待つ姿勢」を大事にしたセッションを心がけています。「待つ姿勢」を例にとれば、春になら ないと花は咲かないので、それぞれの「春」を待つ姿勢です。

What I think important when Coaching

Having the 4 Cornerstones of Co-Active Coaching as my basis, I think it would also be necessary to consider respect and patience. Even flowers take time to bloom; it takes patience for that to happen.


・Self limitationがなくなったこと。
・この人とコーチングを通じてかかわりたいなということがわかり始めたこと。コーチングを受ければ、さらに輝くだろうなと確信が持てるようになったこと。 など

How Coaching changed me
1. I have found that my life has become interesting.
2. I have improved my self-limitation.
3. I have found much fun in daily conversations with anyone.
4. I have started to see what I had not seen and to feel what I had not felt.
5. I have been finding new unexpected goals one after another.
6. I have been convinced that a client could be more fulfilled if I would coach him/her.



Who I would like to Coach

My life coaching skills would especially benefit people who have an interest in coaching and who work in careers such as 

1.Teachers/doctors/flight attendants/nurses/businessmen/managers/engineers/business owners/students/housewives, or any other professionals/ 
2. Aging from 20 to 85 years old


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